
Moori Moori Playfarm and Fat Duck Cafe
Opening days and times
open every day
Monday-Friday from 10:30 - 18:00
Saturday-Sunday from 10:30 - 20:00
Safety measures
⚪️ Employees are vaccinated.
⚪️ Employees covid examination every 7 days.
⚪️ Hand washing and alcohol points for customers in every zone
⚪️ The service facility is cleaned and disinfected at all times
Cafe zone - The seating area for food & drink are:
⚪️ Cafe zone on the 1st floor
⚪️ Cafe terrace zone, 1st floor (outdoor)
⚪️ Tummy Hut Zone (outdoor)
⚪️ Cafe zone on the 2nd floor
⚪️ Grass field area (outdoor)
Individual Activity - Open as usual
⚪️ Animal visiting and egg hunts (one family in the animal house at each time)
⚪️ DIY cooking is limited to 4 families (not more than 4 people per family), no schedule as usual, can do activities all the time.
⚪️ Artwork can be done at various seating points in the farm as convenient as possible.
⚪️ The grass field can be cycled as usual
❌ Group activity - Not open until further notice
Junior farmer activity for private group only with advance booking